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The True Me 


CBD for Treatment of Migraine Headaches

Blending the best of science and nature

Migraine headaches are one of the most painful experiences that a person may have.  Migraines cause a severe loss of quality of life. Chronic migraine sufferers experience migraine headaches 15 or more days per month. 




Cannabinol (kuh-nab-uh-nawl) also known as CBD, is a natural substance that is extracted from cannabis plants – commonly known as marijuana and hemp.  Chemically, CBD is one of 85 chemical substances known as cannabinoids (kuh-nab-uh-noid) which are all found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the second most abundant compound in hemp, representing up to 40% of its extracts.




Hemp is commonly confused with marijuana.  Although genetically related and similar in appearance, hemp is low in THC, a psychoactive chemical that is high in marijuana.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has identified hemp as a major new crop opportunity and has authorized growing hemp under certain conditions.  The U.S. Congress has withdrawn funding from any effort to enforce drug laws against hemp.  Colorado and many other states have recently legalized the growing and sale of hemp and hemp products. 


CBD oil, extracted from hemp, has been described as the ‘lost’ treatment for migraine headaches that is now being rediscovered.  Limited clinical data indicates that CBD oil may reduce the frequency of migraine headaches by more than half and reduce the severity of each headache by more than 40%.  With the recent legalization of hemp, an opportunity now exists to provide significant pain reduction and relief to sufferers of chronic migraine headaches.


The True Me LLC (the ‘Company’) will produce a CBD product (hereinafter ‘Product’) and sell it as a nutraceutical to aid the 1 billion migraine sufferers worldwide. The product will offer drug free pain relief utilizing the highest quality  USDA certified organic nutraceutical and CBD formulations.


The Company will procure the highest quality hemp oil. It will contract for production to the Company’s specified formulation.  Product will be packaged in facilities with the highest quality and safety controls. 


Products will be sold directly to the public and sold through healthcare practitioners that include headache specialists, pain doctors, chiropractors and holistic healers.


Within five years, the Company seeks to attain combined retail and wholesale monthly sales to 1 million people.


The Company plans to engage in in ongoing research and development to improve the performance of its Product and differentiate it from all competition.  Research will include improved oil extraction techniques, different formulations of hemp oil, combinations of hemp oil with other botanicals, different dosage levels and different delivery mechanisms.


The initial management team is comprised of Steve Baker, Karl Dakin, Luke Terry and Preston Whitfield.  This team has decades of experience in business startups, medicinal use of botanicals, hemp and treatment of migraine headaches.

                                                     For more migraine headache information, click here.

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