Business consulting, author, public speaker, Sun City TX
What would you do when you do everything right
and it all goes wrong?
I won a national writing award for this, my first book. The review boards called it energetic, humorous, fast-paced and suspenseful. Readers tell me it is thought provoking and conversation generating.
For that I am very proud.
But I take greater pride in a letter that I received from a reader who is going through a family financial crisis and all communication had shut down. She actually used my book to open a conversation and create a dialogue that helped keep her family intact. In part, she wrote:
"Thank you for writing your book.
Our family business is going into financial ruin
and all communication had shut down between us.
Your book opened a much needed conversation
that will help us get through the toughest time in our lives."
So, when was the last time you met a guy who was sued for $1.4 Billion? Well, I’m that guy and I’ve written my story about living the American dream.
My book shares the fun, excitement and pure exhilaration of building a successful company. In less than a year it grew to one of the largest travel companies in the United States with over $500 million in revenues and included business partners like Playboy Enterprises. I’m very proud to say that our company accomplished more in one year than many will ever achieve.
But, after the excitement of our tremendous success, my story also shares the shock, pain, and deep despair as I watched helplessly while the company and my life vaporized before my eyes. Between a $1.4 Billion lawsuit and the “Black Monday” stock market crash, the company could not survive. The devastation heaped upon our company, my family, and my personal life was immense. Ours was a sensational roller coaster ride that was the most fun I have had in my life, along with enough pain for two lifetimes.
And, as I explain in my speeches, when it comes to business, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that 98% of all businesses in the United States are small businesses. The bad news is that over 60% of new businesses fail within the first five years.
In my book I share the steps that made us a successful business that will help you succeed. And you'll join me to see that anyone can do things wrong and fail, but guess what? You can also do everything right and still fail. What would YOU do when you do everything right...and it all goes wrong?
I think you'll enjoy my compelling yet fun story about chasing the American dream and hope you pass it on to your friends.
To Your Success,
Steve Baker